PRWR 3012: Writing, Creating, and Thinking with Code

3.0 credits, Winter 2024

(Formerly, WRIT 3012: Programming for Professional Writers)

Have you ever thought about learning to code? Are you a writing, humanities, or LA&PS student with no previous programming experience? Have you been nervous to try coding, or perhaps tried but found it overwhelming? Alternatively, are you a CS student looking to bring more creativity to your work? This course was designed for you!

PRWR 3012 is an elective about the connections between coding and writing. It is a completely beginner course (no experience required) designed for students who are interested in code as a creative, artistic, and expressive tool. 

Writing and coding may seem like an unlikely pairing, but in this course, we’ll explore how they are similar while gaining crucial digital literacy skills through readings, discussions, and programming exercises.

Course Materials

  • Thomas Was Alone (video game for PC, Mac, Switch, PS3, PS4)
  • Lauren McCarthy, Casey Reas, and Ben Fry. Getting Started with p5.js (free online through York Libraries)

Trouble with enrollment? Please fill out this Writing Department form:

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